[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Index] Reference for unit 'Zipper' (#fcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Creates a .ZIP archive file


Source position: zipper.pp line 413

type TZipper = class(TObject)


  constructor Create;


Constructor for the class instance

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance

  procedure ZipAllFiles; virtual;


Zips all files in object and writes zip to disk

  procedure SaveToFile();


Saves the archive to a file with a new name

  procedure SaveToStream();


Save the archive to a stream

  procedure ZipFile();


Zip one file to a zip file

  procedure ZipFiles();


Zip multiple files into an archive

  class procedure Zip();


Convenience method used to create a .zip file with the given name containing the specified file(s)

  procedure Clear;


Removes all values in the Entries and Files properties

  procedure Terminate;


Halts an assigned compressor in the class instance, and sets Terminated to True

  property BufferSize: LongWord; [rw]


Buffer size used when reading and processing files

  property OnPercent: Integer; [rw]


Threshold percentage which triggers progress notifications when processing files

  property OnProgress: TProgressEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled to show a percent complete progress notifications

  property OnStartFile: TOnStartFileEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when compression for a file is started

  property OnEndFile: TOnEndOfFileEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when compression for a file has been completed

  property FileName: RawByteString; [rw]


Name of the .ZIP archive file where the compressed files and directories are stored

  property FileComment: string; [rw]


Comment stored in the .ZIP archive file

  property Files: TStrings; [r] deprecated ;


Provides access to the list of files and directories in the archive

  property InMemSize: Int64; [rw]


Total memory used for the compressed content in the .ZIP file

  property Entries: TZipFileEntries; [rw]


Collection with the TZipFileEntry instances in the .ZIP archive

  property Terminated: Boolean; [r]


True if the Terminate method has been called

  property UseLanguageEncoding: Boolean; [rw]


Use language encoding





Creates a .ZIP archive file



Documentation generated on: May 14 2021