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Helper type for strings.
Source position: syshelph.inc line 60
type TStringHelper = type helper |
public |
Const |
Empty = '' |
Check if the string is empty |
class function Compare(); |
Compare 2 strings |
class function CompareOrdinal(); |
Compare 2 strings byte for byte |
class function CompareText(); |
Compare 2 strings case insensitively. |
class function Copy(); |
Return a unique copy of a string |
class function Create(); |
Create a new string |
class function EndsText(); |
Check if one string is the ending of another. |
class function Equals(); |
Check if 2 strings are equal |
class function Format(); |
Format a string using provided arguments. |
class function IsNullOrEmpty(); |
Check if a string is empty |
class function IsNullOrWhiteSpace(); |
Check if a string is empty or contains only whitespace characters. |
class function Join(); |
Join a series of strings, separated using a given separator |
class function LowerCase(); overload; |
Return the lowercase version of a string. |
class function Parse(); |
Return a string representation of the argument |
class function ToBoolean(); |
Convert string to boolean |
class function ToDouble(); |
Convert string to double-sized floating point value |
class function ToExtended(); |
Convert string to extended-sized floating point value |
class function ToInt64(); |
Convert string to 64-bit signed integer |
class function ToInteger(); |
Convert string to 32-bit signed integer |
class function ToSingle(); |
Convert string to single-sized floating point value |
class function UpperCase(); overload; |
Return uppercase version of a string |
function CompareTo(); |
Compare string to another |
function Contains(); |
Check is the string contains another |
procedure CopyTo(); |
Copy part of the string to an array of characters |
function CountChar(); |
Count the occurrences of a character |
function DeQuotedString(); |
Return a dequoted version of the string |
function EndsWith(); |
Check if the string is ended by another. |
function GetHashCode; |
Get a hash code for the string |
function IndexOf(); |
Find the position (index) of a string or character |
function IndexOfUnQuoted(); overload; |
Index of string, skipping quoted parts. |
function IndexOfAny(); |
Find the position (index) of any string or character in a list. |
function IndexOfAnyUnquoted(); |
Find the position (index) of any string or character in a list. |
function Insert(); |
Insert a string at a given position |
function IsDelimiter(); |
Check whether a character at a given position is a delimiter |
function IsEmpty; |
Check whether the string is empty. |
function LastDelimiter(); |
Return the last position of one of a series of delimiters |
function LastIndexOf(); |
Find the last position (index) of a string or character |
function LastIndexOfAny(); |
Find the last position (index) of any string or character in a list. |
function PadLeft(); |
Pad the string on the left with an indicated character |
function PadRight(); |
Pad the string on the right with an indicated character |
function QuotedString(); |
Return a quoted version of the string |
function Remove(); |
Remove a number of characters from the string |
function Replace(); |
Replace occurrences of one string with another. |
function Split(); |
Split a string in a number of parts |
function StartsWith(); |
Check if one string starts with another |
function Substring(); |
Return a part of the string |
function ToCharArray(); |
Return the string as an array of characters. |
function ToLower; overload; |
Convert to lowercase |
function ToLowerInvariant; |
Convert to lowercase |
function ToUpper; overload; |
Convert to uppercase. |
function ToUpperInvariant; |
Convert to uppercase |
function Trim(); |
Strips a set of trim characters from the beginning and end of the string. |
function TrimLeft(); |
Strips a set of trim characters from the beginning of the string. |
function TrimRight(); |
Strips a set of trim characters from the end of the string. |
function TrimEnd(); deprecated ; |
Alias for TrimRight |
function TrimStart(); deprecated ; |
Alias for TrimLeft |
Zero-based Indexed access to the characters in the string. |
Return the length of the string |
end; |
Helper type for strings. |
TStringHelper adds various helper routines to the string type. These are mostly conversion routines, and some formatting routines.
For similarity to C-like languages, all the indexes in these helper routines are zero based.
Helper type for TGUID |