TFPSMap : Property overview by Name

Member Visibility Description
Capacity(TFPSList) public Current capacity of the list
Count(TFPSList) public Current element count
Data(TFPSMap) public Indexed access to the locations of all data items
DataSize(TFPSMap) public Size (in bytes) for the data associated with keys
Duplicates(TFPSMap) public What to do with duplicate key values
First(TFPSList) public Pointer to first non-empty item in the list
Items(TFPSList) public Items in the list
ItemSize(TFPSList) public Size of the items in the list
KeyData(TFPSMap) public Access to data locations using key
Keys(TFPSMap) public Indexed access to the locations of all keys
KeySize(TFPSMap) public Size (in bytes) for the key
Last(TFPSList) public Pointer to last non-empty item in the list
List(TFPSList) public Internal list pointer
Sorted(TFPSMap) public Is the map permanently sorted on key ?