TFPList : Method overview By inheritance


Member Visibility Description
Add public Adds a new pointer to the list.
AddList public Add all pointers from another list
Assign public Assign performs the given operation on the list.
Clear public Clears the pointer list.
Delete public Removes a pointer from the list.
Destroy public Destroys the list and releases the memory used to store the list elements.
Error public Raises an EListError exception.
Exchange public Exchanges two pointers in the list.
Expand public Increases the capacity of the list if needed.
Extract public Remove the first occurrence of a pointer from the list.
First public Returns the first non-nil pointer in the list.
ForEachCall public Call a procedure or method for each pointer in the list.
GetEnumerator public Create an IEnumerator instance
IndexOf public Returns the index of a given pointer.
IndexOfItem public Search an item in the list
Insert public Inserts a new pointer in the list at a given position.
Last public Returns the last non-nil pointer in the list.
Move public Moves a pointer from one position in the list to another.
Pack public Removes Nil pointers from the list and frees unused memory.
Remove public Removes a value from the list.
Sort public Sorts the pointers in the list.


Member Visibility Description
AfterConstruction public Method called after the constructor was called.
BeforeDestruction public Method called before the destructor is called.
ClassInfo public Return a pointer to the type information for this class.
ClassName public Return the current class name.
ClassNameIs public Check whether the class name equals the given name.
ClassParent public Return the parent class.
ClassType public Return a "class of" pointer for the current class
CleanupInstance public Finalize the class instance.
Create public TObject Constructor
DefaultHandler public Default handler for integer message handlers.
DefaultHandlerStr public Default handler for string messages.
Destroy public TObject destructor.
Dispatch public Dispatch an integer message
DispatchStr public Dispatch a string message.
Equals public Check if two objects are equal.
FieldAddress public Return the address of a field.
Free public Check for Nil and call destructor.
FreeInstance public Clean up instance and free the memory reserved for the instance.
GetHashCode public Return a hash code for the object
GetInterface public Return a reference to an interface
GetInterfaceByStr public Return an interface based on its GUID
GetInterfaceEntry public Return the interface table entry by GUID
GetInterfaceEntryByStr public Return the interface table entry by string
GetInterfaceTable public Return a pointer to the table of implemented interfaces for a class
GetInterfaceWeak public Get a reference to an interface, not increasing the reference count
InheritsFrom public Check whether class is an ancestor.
InitInstance public Initialize a new class instance.
InstanceSize public Return the size of an instance.
MethodAddress public Return the address of a method
MethodName public Return the name of a method.
newinstance public Allocate memory on the heap for a new instance
QualifiedClassName public Fully qualified classname
SafeCallException public Handle exception object
StringMessageTable public Return a pointer to the string message table.
ToString public Return a string representation for the object
UnitName public Unit name