Test suite results for test file test/cg/tcnvint1.pp

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Test file "test/cg/tcnvint1.pp" information:

t_id 169
t_adddate 2003/10/03
t_result 0
t_knownrunerror 0

Detailed test run results:

Record count: 50

Total = 50

OK=50 Percentage= 100.00

Result type Cat. Count Percentage First date Last Date
Successfully run 50 100.0 2024/05/21 02:33:00 24 2024/05/21 06:31:00 0
i386 4 8.0 2024/05/21 03:08:00 33 2024/05/21 06:01:00 28
m68k 2 4.0 2024/05/21 05:47:00 63 2024/05/21 06:07:00 190
powerpc 7 14.0 2024/05/21 06:13:00 42 2024/05/21 06:31:00 0
arm 2 4.0 2024/05/21 05:29:00 69 2024/05/21 05:53:00 67
x86_64 16 32.0 2024/05/21 02:33:00 24 2024/05/21 06:23:00 27
powerpc64 6 12.0 2024/05/21 05:32:00 97 2024/05/21 06:26:00 0
mips 3 6.0 2024/05/21 04:05:00 47 2024/05/21 06:16:00 240
mipsel 1 2.0 2024/05/21 06:23:00 148 2024/05/21 06:23:00 148
aarch64 9 18.0 2024/05/21 05:20:00 46 2024/05/21 06:24:00 23
linux 31 62.0 2024/05/21 02:33:00 24 2024/05/21 06:31:00 0
win32 1 2.0 2024/05/21 06:01:00 28 2024/05/21 06:01:00 28
go32v2 1 2.0 2024/05/21 05:41:00 55 2024/05/21 05:41:00 55
solaris 10 20.0 2024/05/21 05:55:00 29 2024/05/21 06:19:00 29
darwin 7 14.0 2024/05/21 05:42:00 24 2024/05/21 06:24:00 23
3.3.1 20 40.0 2024/05/21 02:33:00 24 2024/05/21 06:31:00 0
3.2.3 30 60.0 2024/05/21 03:08:00 33 2024/05/21 06:31:00 0


{  CODE GENERATOR TEST PROGRAM                                   }
{ NODE TESTED : secondtypeconvert() -> second_bool_to_int        }
{ PRE-REQUISITES: secondload()                                   }
{                 secondassign()                                 }
{                 secondcalln()                                  }
{                 secondinline()                                 }
{ DEFINES:                                                       }
{ REMARKS:                                                       }
program tcnvint1;

{$ifdef VER70}
  {$define tp}

 tobyte : byte;
 toword : word;
 tolong : longint;
{$ifndef tp}
 toint64 : int64;
 bb1 : bytebool;
 wb1 : wordbool;
 lb1 : longbool;
 bb2 : bytebool;
 wb2 : wordbool;
 lb2 : longbool;
 { left : LOC_REGISTER  }
 WriteLn('Testing LOC_REFERENCE...');
 bb1 := TRUE;
 tobyte := byte(bb1);
 WriteLn('boolean->byte : value should be 1...',tobyte);
 bb1 := FALSE;
 tobyte := byte(bb1);
 WriteLn('boolean->byte : value should be 0...',tobyte);
 bb1 := TRUE;
 toword := word(bb1);
 WriteLn('boolean->word : value should be 1...',toword);
 bb1 := FALSE;
 toword := word(bb1);
 WriteLn('boolean->word : value should be 0...',toword);
 bb1 := TRUE;
 tolong := longint(bb1);
 WriteLn('boolean->longint : value should be 1...',tolong);
 bb1 := FALSE;
 tolong := longint(bb1);
 WriteLn('boolean->longint : value should be 0...',tolong);
 wb1 := TRUE;
 tobyte := byte(wb1);
 WriteLn('wordbool->byte : value should be 1...',tobyte);
 wb1 := FALSE;
 tobyte := byte(wb1);
 WriteLn('wordbool->byte : value should be 0...',tobyte);
 wb1 := TRUE;
 toword := word(wb1);
 WriteLn('wordbool->word : value should be 1...',toword);
 wb1 := FALSE;
 toword := word(wb1);
 WriteLn('wordbool->word : value should be 0...',toword);
 wb1 := TRUE;
 tolong := longint(wb1);
 WriteLn('wordbool->longint : value should be 1...',tolong);
 wb1 := FALSE;
 tolong := longint(wb1);
 WriteLn('wordbool->longint : value should be 0...',tolong);
{$ifndef tp}
 bb1 := TRUE;
 toint64 :=int64(bb1);
 WriteLn('boolean->int64 : value should be 1...',toint64);
 bb1 := FALSE;
 toint64 :=int64(bb1);
 WriteLn('boolean->int64 : value should be 0...',toint64);
 wb1 := TRUE;
 toint64 :=int64(wb1);
 WriteLn('wordbool->int64 : value should be 1...',toint64);
 wb1 := FALSE;
 toint64 :=int64(wb1);
 WriteLn('wordbool->int64 : value should be 0...',toint64);
 lb1 := TRUE;
 tobyte := byte(lb1);
 WriteLn('longbool->byte : value should be 1...',tobyte);
 lb1 := FALSE;
 tobyte := byte(lb1);
 WriteLn('longbool->byte : value should be 0...',tobyte);
 lb1 := TRUE;
 toword := word(lb1);
 WriteLn('longbool->word : value should be 1...',toword);
 lb1 := FALSE;
 toword := word(lb1);
 WriteLn('longbool->word : value should be 0...',toword);
 lb1 := TRUE;
 tolong := longint(lb1);
 WriteLn('longbool->longint : value should be 1...',tolong);
 lb1 := FALSE;
 tolong := longint(lb1);
 WriteLn('longbool->longint : value should be 0...',tolong);
 { left : LOC_REGISTER }
 { from : LOC_REFERENCE }
 wb1 := TRUE;
 bb2 := wb1;
 WriteLn('wordbool->boolean : value should be TRUE...',bb2);
 wb1 := FALSE;
 bb2 := wb1;
 WriteLn('wordbool->boolean : value should be FALSE...',bb2);
 lb1 := TRUE;
 bb2 := lb1;
 WriteLn('longbool->boolean : value should be TRUE...',bb2);
 lb1 := FALSE;
 bb2 := lb1;
 WriteLn('longbool->boolean : value should be FALSE...',bb2);
 bb1 := TRUE;
 lb2 := bb1;
 WriteLn('boolean->longbool : value should be TRUE...',lb2);
 bb1 := FALSE;
 lb2 := bb1;
 WriteLn('boolean->longbool : value should be FALSE...',lb2);
 { left : LOC_REGISTER }
 { from : LOC_JUMP     }
 WriteLn('Testing LOC_JUMP...');
 toword := 0;
 tobyte := 1;
 tobyte:=byte(toword > tobyte);
 WriteLn('value should be 0...',tobyte);
 toword := 2;
 tobyte := 1;
 tobyte:=byte(toword > tobyte);
 WriteLn('value should be 1...',tobyte);
 toword := 0;
 tobyte := 1;
 toword:=word(toword > tobyte);
 WriteLn('value should be 0...',toword);
 toword := 2;
 tobyte := 1;
 toword:=word(toword > tobyte);
 WriteLn('value should be 1...',toword);
 toword := 0;
 tobyte := 1;
 tolong:=longint(toword > tobyte);
 WriteLn('value should be 0...',tolong);
 toword := 2;
 tobyte := 1;
 tolong:=longint(toword > tobyte);
 WriteLn('value should be 1...',tolong);
{$ifndef tp}
 toword := 0;
 tobyte := 1;
 toint64:=int64(toword > tobyte);
 WriteLn('value should be 0...',toint64);
 toword := 2;
 tobyte := 1;
 toint64:=int64(toword > tobyte);
 WriteLn('value should be 1...',toint64);
 { left : LOC_REGISTER }
 { from : LOC_FLAGS     }
 WriteLn('Testing LOC_FLAGS...');
 wb1 := TRUE;
 bb1 := FALSE;
 bb1 := (wb1 > bb1);
 WriteLn('Value should be TRUE...',bb1);
 wb1 := FALSE;
 bb1 := FALSE;
 bb1 := (wb1 > bb1);
 WriteLn('Value should be FALSE...',bb1);
 lb1 := TRUE;
 bb1 := FALSE;
 bb1 := (bb1 > lb1);
 WriteLn('Value should be FALSE...',bb1);
 lb1 := FALSE;
 bb1 := TRUE;
 bb1 := (bb1 > lb1);
 WriteLn('Value should be TRUE...',bb1);
 lb1 := TRUE;
 bb1 := FALSE;
 wb1 := (bb1 > lb1);
 WriteLn('Value should be FALSE...',wb1);
 lb1 := FALSE;
 bb1 := TRUE;
 wb1 := (bb1 > lb1);
 WriteLn('Value should be TRUE...',wb1);
 lb1 := TRUE;
 bb1 := FALSE;
 lb1 := (bb1 > lb1);
 WriteLn('Value should be FALSE...',lb1);
 lb1 := FALSE;
 bb1 := TRUE;
 lb1 := (bb1 > lb1);
 WriteLn('Value should be TRUE...',lb1);
 bb1 := TRUE;
 bb2 := FALSE;
 lb1 := (bb1 > bb2);
 WriteLn('Value should be TRUE...',lb1);
 bb1 := FALSE;
 bb2 := TRUE;
 lb1 := (bb1 > bb2);
 WriteLn('Value should be FALSE...',lb1);

   $Log: tcnvint1.pp,v $
   Revision 1.4  2002/09/07 15:40:55  peter
     * old logs removed and tabs fixed

   Revision 1.3  2002/05/13 13:45:38  peter
     * updated to compile tests with kylix


Link to SVN view of test/cg/tcnvint1.pp source.