Test suite results for test file ../packages/rtl-generics/tests/testrunner.rtlgenerics.pp

Test run data :

Run ID:
Operating system: linux
Processor: sparc
Version: 3.2.3
Fails/OK/Total: 68/7904/7972
Version: 3.2.3
Full version: 3.2.3-1376-gbff5cbd342
Comment: -XR/home/muller/sys-root/sparc-linux -Xd -Xr/home/muller/sys-root/sparc-linux
Machine: gcc188
Category: 1
SVN revisions: bff5cbd342:c17a0e20f5:4f3b6199df:d1c29e6cb9
Submitter: muller
Date: 2024/05/08 21:40:00
Previous run: 947588
Next run: 948911

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Test file "../packages/rtl-generics/tests/testrunner.rtlgenerics.pp" information:

t_id 5583
t_adddate 2018/03/09 23:00:04
t_result 0
t_knownrunerror 0

Detailed test run results:

525865465948260FalseFalseFailed to run

Record count: 1

Log of 948260:

 Time:40.871 N:104 E:1 F:3 I:0
  TTestBugs Time:00.018 N:2 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.011  Test_QuadraticProbing_InfinityLoop
    00.001  Test_GetEqualityComparer
  TTestHashMaps Time:00.163 N:20 E:1 F:1 I:0
    00.005  Test_CountAsKey_OpenAddressingLP
    00.002  Test_CountAsKey_OpenAddressingLPT
    00.003  Test_CountAsKey_OpenAddressingQP
    00.007  Test_CountAsKey_OpenAddressingDH  Error: EListError
      Exception:   Dictionary key does not exist
      at   $00081220
    00.012  Test_CountAsKey_CuckooD2
    00.009  Test_CountAsKey_CuckooD4
    00.010  Test_CountAsKey_CuckooD6
    00.012  Test_OpenAddressingLP_Notification
    00.005  Test_OpenAddressingLPT_Notification
    00.008  Test_OpenAddressingQP_Notification
    00.007  Test_OpenAddressingDH_Notification  Failed:  expected:  but was: 
      Exception:    expected:  but was: 
      at   $000E76F8
    00.017  Test_CuckooD2_Notification
    00.014  Test_CuckooD4_Notification
    00.014  Test_CuckooD6_Notification
    00.003  Test_OpenAddressingLP_TrimExcess
    00.010  Test_CuckooD2_TrimExcess
    00.009  Test_ObjectDictionary
    00.005  Test_TryAddOrSetOrGetValue
    00.004  Test_TryGetValueEmpty_xxHash32
    00.004  Test_TryGetValueEmpty_xxHash32Pascal
  TTestArrayHelper Time:00.003 N:2 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.003  Test_BinarySearch_Integers
    00.000  Test_BinarySearch_EmptyArray
  TTestTrees Time:40.435 N:5 E:0 F:0 I:0
    20.204  Test_IndexedAVLTree_Add_General
    00.001  Test_IndexedAVLTree_Add
    20.216  Test_IndexedAVLTree_Delete
    00.004  Test_IndexedAVLTree_Items
    00.010  Test_TAVLTreeMap_Notification
  TTestStdCollections Time:00.092 N:19 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.014  Test_TList_Notification
    00.003  Test_List
    00.001  Test_FreeingManually
    00.002  Test_AddingLists
    00.003  Test_Sort
    00.001  Test_Pack
    00.005  Test_RecordsList
    00.009  Test_VectorsList
    00.004  Test_MethodsList
    00.005  Test_SortedList
    00.003  Test_Queue
    00.003  Test_GenericListBox
    00.005  Test_TSortedList_Notification
    00.004  Test_TQueue_Notification
    00.003  Test_TStack_Notification
    00.016  Test_TObjectList_Notification
    00.004  Test_TObjectQueue_Notification
    00.003  Test_TObjectStack_Notification
    00.003  Test_TrimExcess
  TTestSets Time:00.091 N:9 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.016  Test_HashSet_General
    00.012  Test_SortedSet_General
    00.013  Test_SortedHashSet_General
    00.005  Test_HashSet
    00.002  Test_SortedSet
    00.002  Test_SortedHashSet
    00.018  Test_THashSet_Notification
    00.011  Test_TSortedSet_Notification
    00.010  Test_TSortedHashSet_Notification
  TTestSimpleQueue Time:00.013 N:10 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.001  TestEmpty
    00.002  TestAdd
    00.000  TestClear
    00.002  TestGetValue
    00.001  TestPeek
    00.000  TestDequeue
    00.003  TestToArray
    00.000  TestEnumerator
    00.002  TestValueNotification
    00.000  TestValueNotificationDelete
  TTestSingleObjectQueue Time:00.003 N:3 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.001  TestEmpty
    00.002  TestFreeOnDequeue
    00.000  TestNoFreeOnDeQueue
  TTestSimpleStack Time:00.011 N:10 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.001  TestEmpty
    00.001  TestAdd
    00.001  TestClear
    00.001  TestGetValue
    00.001  TestPeek
    00.001  TestPop
    00.002  TestToArray
    00.001  TestEnumerator
    00.002  TestValueNotification
    00.000  TestValueNotificationDelete
  TTestSingleObjectStack Time:00.003 N:3 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.000  TestEmpty
    00.001  TestFreeOnPop
    00.001  TestNoFreeOnPop
  TTestSimpleDictionary Time:00.035 N:21 E:0 F:2 I:0
    00.002  TestEmpty
    00.002  TestAdd
    00.001  TestClear
    00.001  TestTryGetValue
    00.001  TestGetValue
    00.001  TestSetValue
    00.001  TestAddDuplicate
    00.001  TestAddOrSet
    00.000  TestTryAdd
    00.001  TestContainsKey
    00.001  TestContainsValue
    00.001  TestDelete
    00.004  TestToArray
    00.003  TestKeys
    00.004  TestValues
    00.004  TestEnumerator
    00.002  TestNotification
    00.000  TestNotificationDelete  Failed: "Clear Notification Key no 0" expected: <3> but was: <1>
      Exception:   "Clear Notification Key no 0" expected: <3> but was: <1>
      at   $00299C54
    00.002  TestValueNotification
    00.001  TestValueNotificationDelete  Failed: "Clear Notification value no 0" expected: <3> but was: <1>
      Exception:   "Clear Notification value no 0" expected: <3> but was: <1>
      at   $00299CAC
    00.001  TestKeyValueNotificationSet

Number of run tests: 104
Number of errors:    1
Number of failures:  3

List of errors:
    Message:           TTestHashMaps.Test_CountAsKey_OpenAddressingDH: Dictionary key does not exist
    Exception class:   EListError
    Exception message: Dictionary key does not exist
        at   $00081220

List of failures:
    Message:           TTestHashMaps.Test_OpenAddressingDH_Notification:  expected:  but was: 
    Exception class:   EAssertionFailedError
    Exception message:  expected:  but was: 
        at   $000E76F8
    Message:           TTestSimpleDictionary.TestNotificationDelete: "Clear Notification Key no 0" expected: <3> but was: <1>
    Exception class:   EAssertionFailedError
    Exception message: "Clear Notification Key no 0" expected: <3> but was: <1>
        at   $00299C54
    Message:           TTestSimpleDictionary.TestValueNotificationDelete: "Clear Notification value no 0" expected: <3> but was: <1>
    Exception class:   EAssertionFailedError
    Exception message: "Clear Notification value no 0" expected: <3> but was: <1>
        at   $00299CAC

Add Notification0
Add Notification1
Add Notification2
Clear Notification0
Add value Notification0
Add value Notification1
Add value Notification2
Clear value Notification0
Set value Notification0
Set value Notification1

No Source in TestSuite DataBase.

Link to SVN view of ../packages/rtl-generics/tests/testrunner.rtlgenerics.pp source.