Test suite results for test file ../packages/rtl-generics/tests/tqsort_killer.pp

Test run data :

Run ID:
Operating system: linux
Processor: mipsel
Version: 3.3.1
Fails/OK/Total: 184/9033/9217
Version: 3.3.1
Full version: 3.3.1-15679-g5e93dda18a-unpushed
Comment: -ao-xgot -fPIC -XR/home/muller/sys-root/mipsel-linux -Xd -Xr/home/muller/sys-root/mipsel-linux
Machine: cfarm13
Category: 1
SVN revisions: 5e93dda18a:d6cf3c98d0:e657d6a07d:485b31de21
Submitter: muller
Date: 2024/05/08 11:20:00
Previous run: 947406
Next run: 948772

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Test file "../packages/rtl-generics/tests/tqsort_killer.pp" information:

t_id 6662
t_adddate 2022/10/02 00:02:05
t_result 0
t_knownrunerror 0

Detailed test run results:

525108021948130FalseFalseFailed to run

Record count: 1

Log of 948130:

--- strings ---

Order: random.
n = 1500:   23619 comparisons, OK
n = 3000:   51650 comparisons (2.2x from previous), OK
n = 6000:   111817 comparisons (2.2x from previous), OK

Order: QSort killer.
n = 1500:   56384 comparisons, OK
n = 3000:   128518 comparisons (2.3x from previous), OK
n = 6000:   282232 comparisons (2.2x from previous), OK

--- float32's ---

Order: random.
n = 10000:  190575 comparisons, OK
n = 20000:  400980 comparisons (2.1x from previous), OK
n = 40000:  882602 comparisons (2.2x from previous), OK

Order: QSort killer.
n = 10000:  498903 comparisons, OK
n = 20000:  1098797 comparisons (2.2x from previous), OK
n = 40000:  2362073 comparisons (2.1x from previous), OK

No Source in TestSuite DataBase.

Link to SVN view of ../packages/rtl-generics/tests/tqsort_killer.pp source.