Test suite results for test file ../packages/rtl-objpas/tests/testrunner.rtlobjpas.pp

Test run data :

Run ID:
Operating system: solaris
Processor: sparc
Version: 3.3.1
Fails/OK/Total: 57/9104/9161
Version: 3.3.1
Full version: 3.3.1-15627-g64f2e4b-unpushed
Comment: -Agas -Cg -Fd
Machine: unstable10s
Category: 1
SVN revisions: e601156:d3fd0b8:64f2e4b:6a10963
Submitter: pierre
Date: 2024/04/28 12:53:00
Previous run: 940458
Next run: 941965

Hide skipped tests

Hide successful tests

Test file "../packages/rtl-objpas/tests/testrunner.rtlobjpas.pp" information:

t_id 5341
t_adddate 2016/12/12 01:30:18
t_result 0
t_knownrunerror 0

Detailed test run results:

482398504941218FalseFalseFailed to run

Record count: 1

Log of 941218:

 Time:00.368 N:220 E:3 F:3 I:1
  TTestRTTI Time:00.037 N:40 E:3 F:0 I:1
    00.001  GetTypeInteger
    00.000  GetTypePointer
    00.001  GetClassProperties
    00.000  GetClassPropertiesValue
    00.001  TestTRttiTypeProperties
    00.001  TestPropGetValueString
    00.001  TestPropGetValueInteger
    00.001  TestPropGetValueBoolean
    00.002  TestPropGetValueShortString
    00.000  TestPropGetValueProcString
    00.001  TestPropGetValueProcInteger
    00.001  TestPropGetValueProcBoolean
    00.001  TestPropGetValueProcShortString
    00.000  TestPropGetValueObject
    00.001  TestPropGetValueInterface
    00.002  TestPropGetValueFloat
    00.000  TestPropGetValueDynArray
    00.000  TestPropGetValueEnumeration
    00.002  TestPropGetValueChars
    00.000  TestPropSetValueString
    00.001  TestPropSetValueInteger
    00.001  TestPropSetValueBoolean
    00.001  TestPropSetValueShortString
    00.000  TestPropSetValueObject
    00.001  TestPropSetValueInterface
    00.002  TestPropSetValueFloat
    00.001  TestPropSetValueDynArray
    00.000  TestPropSetValueEnumeration
    00.001  TestPropSetValueChars
    00.001  TestGetValueStringCastError
    00.000  TestGetIsReadable
    00.000  TestIsWritable
    00.001  TestGetAttribute
    00.002  TestInterface  Error: EAccessViolation
      Exception:   Access violation
      at   $0025C178
    00.000  TestInterfaceRaw
    00.001  TestArray
    00.000  TestDynArray
    00.002  TestProcVar  Error: EAccessViolation
      Exception:   Access violation
      at   $0024CE90
    00.000  TestMethod  Error: EAccessViolation
      Exception:   Access violation
      at   $001ED9C4
    00.001  TestRawThunk  Ignored test: RawThunk not implemented
  TTestClassExtendedRTTI Time:00.023 N:13 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.004  TestFields
    00.002  TestDeclaredFields
    00.003  TestProperties
    00.004  TestDeclaredMethods
    00.001  TestMethods
    00.002  TestMethodsInherited
    00.001  TestPrivateFieldAttributes
    00.001  TestProtectedFieldAttributes
    00.001  TestPublicFieldAttributes
    00.000  TestPrivatePropertyAttributes
    00.001  TestProtectedPropertyAttributes
    00.001  TestPublicPropertyAttributes
    00.001  TestPublishedPropertyAttributes
  TTestRecordExtendedRTTI Time:00.008 N:6 E:0 F:3 I:0
    00.000  TestFields  Failed: "Record fields Count" expected: <4> but was: <0>
      Exception:   "Record fields Count" expected: <4> but was: <0>
      at   $0015AFFC
    00.003  TestProperties
    00.002  TestDeclaredMethods
    00.000  TestMethods
    00.000  TestPrivateFieldAttributes  Failed: Have field
      Exception:   Have field
      at   $0015AFFC
    00.001  TestPublicFieldAttributes  Failed: "Field count" expected: <3> but was: <0>
      Exception:   "Field count" expected: <3> but was: <0>
      at   $0015AFFC
  TTestValueGeneral Time:00.009 N:5 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.003  TestDataSize
    00.003  TestDataSizeEmpty
    00.000  TestReferenceRawData
    00.001  TestReferenceRawDataEmpty
    00.002  TestIsManaged
  TTestValueSimple Time:00.014 N:21 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.001  TestIsType
    00.000  TestMakeNil
    00.000  TestMakeObject
    00.001  TestMakeSingle
    00.000  TestMakeDouble
    00.001  TestMakeExtended
    00.001  TestMakeCurrency
    00.000  TestMakeComp
    00.000  TestMakeEnum
    00.001  TestMakeAnsiChar
    00.000  TestMakeWideChar
    00.001  TestMakeNativeInt
    00.001  TestMakeVariant
    00.000  TestMakeGenericNil
    00.001  TestMakeGenericLongInt
    00.000  TestMakeGenericString
    00.000  TestMakeGenericObject
    00.001  TestMakeGenericDouble
    00.001  TestMakeGenericAnsiChar
    00.000  TestMakeGenericWideChar
    00.002  TestFromOrdinal
  TTestValueSimple Time:00.013 N:21 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.000  TestIsType
    00.001  TestMakeNil
    00.000  TestMakeObject
    00.000  TestMakeSingle
    00.001  TestMakeDouble
    00.001  TestMakeExtended
    00.000  TestMakeCurrency
    00.001  TestMakeComp
    00.000  TestMakeEnum
    00.000  TestMakeAnsiChar
    00.001  TestMakeWideChar
    00.001  TestMakeNativeInt
    00.000  TestMakeVariant
    00.001  TestMakeGenericNil
    00.000  TestMakeGenericLongInt
    00.000  TestMakeGenericString
    00.001  TestMakeGenericObject
    00.000  TestMakeGenericDouble
    00.001  TestMakeGenericAnsiChar
    00.000  TestMakeGenericWideChar
    00.002  TestFromOrdinal
  TTestValueVariant Time:00.020 N:39 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.000  TestFromVariantInteger
    00.001  TestFromVariantBoolean
    00.000  TestFromVariantSmallInt
    00.000  TestFromVariantOleStr
    00.000  TestFromVariantInt64
    00.000  TestFromVariantQWord
    00.001  TestFromVariantShortInt
    00.000  TestFromVariantByte
    00.001  TestFromVariantWord
    00.000  TestFromVariantLongWord
    00.001  TestFromVariantSingle
    00.001  TestFromVariantDouble
    00.000  TestFromVariantDate
    00.001  TestFromVariantDispatch
    00.000  TestFromVariantError
    00.000  TestFromVariantUnknown
    00.001  TestFromVariantCurrency
    00.001  TestFromVariantString
    00.000  TestFromVariantUnicodeString
    00.001  TestFromVarrecInteger
    00.000  TestFromVarrecBoolean
    00.000  TestFromVarRecChar
    00.000  TestFromVarRecExtended
    00.001  TestFromVarRecString
    00.000  TestFromVarRecPointer
    00.000  TestFromVarRecPChar
    00.000  TestFromVarRecObject
    00.000  TestFromVarRecClass
    00.000  TestFromVarRecWideChar
    00.001  TestFromVarRecPWideChar
    00.000  TestFromVarRecAnsiString
    00.001  TestFromVarRecCurrency
    00.000  TestFromVarRecVariant
    00.001  TestFromVarRecInterface
    00.000  TestFromVarRecWideString
    00.001  TestFromVarRecInt64
    00.000  TestFromVarRecQWord
    00.001  TestFromVarRecUnicodeString
    00.000  TestArrayOfConstToTValue
  TTestMatrix Time:00.028 N:18 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.003  TestHookUp
    00.004  TestCreateRotation
    00.002  TestCreateScaling
    00.002  TestCreateTranslation
    00.001  TTestEqual
    00.002  TTestMultiply
    00.001  TTestMultiplyPointf
    00.001  TTestMultiplyVector
    00.001  TTestMultiplyPoint3D
    00.001  TTestMultiplyFactor1
    00.001  TTestMultiplyFactor2
    00.001  TTestDiv
    00.003  TTestAdjoint
    00.000  TTestDeterminant
    00.000  TTestEqualsTo
    00.001  TTestExtractScale
    00.002  TTestInverse
    00.002  TTestScale
  TTestPoint3D Time:00.014 N:25 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.001  TestHookUp
    00.000  TestZero
    00.000  TestCreate
    00.000  TestCreate2DPointAndZ
    00.001  TestCreateVector3D
    00.000  TestAdd
    00.001  TestMultiplyFactor
    00.000  TestMultiply
    00.000  TestSubtract
    00.000  TestEqual
    00.000  TestDivide
    00.000  TestUnEqual
    00.001  TestUnaryMinus
    00.000  TestAngleCosine
    00.001  TestCrossProduct
    00.000  TestDistance
    00.000  TestDotProduct
    00.000  TestEqualsTo
    00.000  TestLength
    00.000  TestMidPoint
    00.001  TestNormalize
    00.000  TestOffsetPoint
    00.000  TestOffsetDelta
    00.001  TestReflect
    00.001  TestRotate
  TTestVector Time:00.010 N:18 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.001  TestHookUp
    00.000  TestZero
    00.001  TestCreate
    00.000  TestCreateW
    00.001  TestAssign
    00.000  TestAssignPointf
    00.001  TestAssignToPointf
    00.000  TestAdd
    00.000  TestMultiplyFactor
    00.001  TestDivide
    00.000  TestEqual
    00.000  TestNotEqual
    00.001  TestSubtract
    00.000  TestLength
    00.001  TestNormalize
    00.001  TestCrossProduct
    00.000  TestDotProduct
    00.001  TestToPointF
  TTestQuaternion3D Time:00.009 N:7 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.001  TestHookUp
    00.002  TestCreateVectorAngle
    00.000  TestCreateVectorVector
    00.002  TestCreateYawPitchRoll
    00.001  TestCreateMatrix
    00.002  TestAssignToMatrix
    00.001  TestMultiply
  TTestMonitorSupport Time:00.182 N:7 E:0 F:0 I:0
    00.000  TestHookup
    00.012  TestLock
    00.022  TestLockMulti
    00.011  TestTryLock
    00.031  TestPulse
    00.063  TestPulseAll
    00.042  TestWait

Number of run tests: 220
Number of errors:    3
Number of failures:  3

List of errors:
    Message:           TTestRTTI.TestInterface: Access violation
    Exception class:   EAccessViolation
    Exception message: Access violation
        at   $0025C178

    Message:           TTestRTTI.TestProcVar: Access violation
    Exception class:   EAccessViolation
    Exception message: Access violation
        at   $0024CE90

    Message:           TTestRTTI.TestMethod: Access violation
    Exception class:   EAccessViolation
    Exception message: Access violation
        at   $001ED9C4

List of failures:
    Message:           TTestRecordExtendedRTTI.TestFields: "Record fields Count" expected: <4> but was: <0>
    Exception class:   EAssertionFailedError
    Exception message: "Record fields Count" expected: <4> but was: <0>
        at   $0015AFFC
    Message:           TTestRecordExtendedRTTI.TestPrivateFieldAttributes: Have field
    Exception class:   EAssertionFailedError
    Exception message: Have field
        at   $0015AFFC
    Message:           TTestRecordExtendedRTTI.TestPublicFieldAttributes: "Field count" expected: <3> but was: <0>
    Exception class:   EAssertionFailedError
    Exception message: "Field count" expected: <3> but was: <0>
        at   $0015AFFC

List of ignored tests:
  Ignored test: 
    Message:           TTestRTTI.TestRawThunk: RawThunk not implemented
    Exception class:   EIgnoredTest
    Exception message: RawThunk not implemented

1714306900441: Thread 1 Released lock

No Source in TestSuite DataBase.

Link to SVN view of ../packages/rtl-objpas/tests/testrunner.rtlobjpas.pp source.