Test suite results for test file ../packages/regexpr/tests/testregexpr.pp

Test run data :

Run ID:
Operating system: haiku
Processor: i386
Version: 3.2.3
Fails/OK/Total: 53/8135/8188
Version: 3.2.3
Full version: 3.2.3
Comment: -O3 -Criot -gl -Fd
Machine: shredder
Category: 1
SVN revisions: 78dbdcb095:655352f0e9:82c57e2deb:355d1f87a2
Submitter: pierre
Date: 2023/10/30 22:10:00
Previous run: 847486
Next run: 860205

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Test file "../packages/regexpr/tests/testregexpr.pp" information:

t_id 6204
t_adddate 2021/01/08 01:32:11
t_result 0
t_knownrunerror 0

Detailed test run results:

-81307923848979FalseFalseFailed to run

Record count: 1

Log of 848979:

 Time:00.031 N:26 E:1 F:0 I:0
  TTestRegexpr Time:00.030 N:26 E:1 F:0 I:0
    00.002  TestEmpty
    00.005  RunTest1  Error: ERegExpr
      Exception:   TRegExpr compile: no hex code after \x (pos 0)
      at   $01785A1A
    00.003  RunTest2
    00.000  RunTest3
    00.001  RunTest4
    00.000  RunTest5
    00.001  RunTest6
    00.001  RunTest7
    00.000  RunTest8
    00.001  RunTest9
    00.000  RunTest10
    00.001  RunTest11
    00.000  RunTest12
    00.001  RunTest13
    00.000  RunTest14
    00.000  RunTest15
    00.001  RunTest16
    00.000  RunTest17
    00.001  RunTest18
    00.000  RunTest19
    00.000  RunTest20
    00.001  RunTest21
    00.000  RunTest22
    00.001  RunTest23
    00.000  RunTest24
    00.000  RunTest25

Number of run tests: 26
Number of errors:    1
Number of failures:  0

List of errors:
    Message:           TTestRegexpr.RunTest1: TRegExpr compile: no hex code after \x (pos 0)
    Exception class:   ERegExpr
    Exception message: TRegExpr compile: no hex code after \x (pos 0)
        at   $01785A1A

No Source in TestSuite DataBase.

Link to SVN view of ../packages/regexpr/tests/testregexpr.pp source.