Unit 'exec' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#morphunits]



Source position: exec.pas line 1378

type TExecBase = packed record

  LIbNode: TLibrary;

  SoftVer: Word;

  LowMemChkSum: SmallInt;

  ChkBase: LongWord;

  ColdCapture: APTR;

  CoolCapture: APTR;

  WarmCapture: APTR;

  SysStkUpper: APTR;

  SysStkLower: APTR;

  MaxLocMem: LongWord;

  DebugEntry: APTR;

  DebugData: APTR;

  AlertData: APTR;

  MaxExtMem: APTR;

  ChkSum: Word;

  IntVects: array [0..15] of TIntVector;

  ThisTask: PTask;

  IdleCount: LongWord;

  DispCount: LongWord;

  Quantum: Word;

  Elapsed: Word;

  SysFlags: Word;

  IDNestCnt: ShortInt;

  TDNestCnt: ShortInt;

  AttnFlags: Word;

  AttnResched: Word;

  ResModules: APTR;

  TaskTrapCode: APTR;

  TaskExceptCode: APTR;

  TaskExitCode: APTR;

  TaskSigAlloc: LongWord;

  TaskTrapAlloc: Word;

  MemList: TList;

  ResourceList: TList;

  DeviceList: TList;

  IntrList: TList;

  LibList: TList;

  PortList: TList;

  TaskReady: TList;

  TaskWait: TList;

  SoftInts: array [0..4] of TSoftIntList;

  LastAlert: array [0..3] of LongInt;

  VBlankFrequency: Byte;

  PowerSupplyFrequency: Byte;

  SemaphoreList: TList;

  KickMemPtr: APTR;

  KickTagPtr: APTR;

  KickCheckSum: APTR;

  ex_Pad0: Word;

  ex_LaunchPoint: LongWord;

  ex_RamLibPrivate: APTR;

  ex_EClockFrequency: LongWord;

  ex_CacheControl: LongWord;

  ex_TaskID: LongWord;

  ex_EmulHandleSize: LongWord;

  ex_PPCTrapMsgPort: PMsgPort;

  ex_Reserved1: array [0..2] of LongWord;

  ex_MMULock: APTR;

  ex_PatchPool: APTR;

  ex_PPCTaskExitCode: APTR;

  ex_DebugFlags: LongWord;

  ex_MemHandlers: TMinList;

  ex_MemHandler: APTR;


Documentation generated on: 2023-03-18